(01744) 678150
Ashurst Primary School
New Reception Information
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Oscar Club
SEMH Provision at Ashurst
Curriculum Documents
English at Ashurst
Read Write Inc Phonics
Maths at Ashurst
Science at Ashurst
Reading at Ashurst
Year 1 Reading Fluency
Physical Education at Ashurst
Arts at Ashurst
Religious Education at Ashurst and SMSC
Music at Ashurst
History at Ashurst
Design Technology at Ashurst
RSHE at Ashurst
Geography at Ashurst
Computing at Ashurst
Personal Development and Ethos
Mental Health and Well Being at Ashurst
Whole School Enrichment Opportunities
British Values Statement
PATHS Programme
Parent Zone
GDPR- Privacy Notice
Holiday Dates
Attendance - Holidays During Term Time
Lunch Menus
Newsletters & Downloads
Online Safety
School Uniform
Remote Learning Provision
Key Information
Achievement and Performance Data
Ofsted Information
Key Policies
Pastoral Care/Young Carers
Pupil Premium Spend
Special Educational Needs - Local Offer
Equality Objectives
Sports Premium Spend
Financial Information
Public Duty Equalities Statement
New Reception Information
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Oscar Club
SEMH Provision at Ashurst
Curriculum Documents
English at Ashurst
Read Write Inc Phonics
Maths at Ashurst
Science at Ashurst
Reading at Ashurst
Year 1 Reading Fluency
Physical Education at Ashurst
Arts at Ashurst
Religious Education at Ashurst and SMSC
Music at Ashurst
History at Ashurst
Design Technology at Ashurst
RSHE at Ashurst
Geography at Ashurst
Computing at Ashurst
Personal Development and Ethos
Mental Health and Well Being at Ashurst
Whole School Enrichment Opportunities
British Values Statement
PATHS Programme
Parent Zone
GDPR- Privacy Notice
Holiday Dates
Attendance - Holidays During Term Time
Lunch Menus
Newsletters & Downloads
Online Safety
School Uniform
Remote Learning Provision
Key Information
Achievement and Performance Data
Ofsted Information
Key Policies
Pastoral Care/Young Carers
Pupil Premium Spend
Special Educational Needs - Local Offer
Equality Objectives
Sports Premium Spend
Financial Information
Public Duty Equalities Statement
Excellence Everyday
See what our classes are doing through out the school.
Ashurst has a 26 place morning nursery for children with an admission each September, January and April. Places are available for children term following their 3rd birthday.
Reception class is a happy, safe and stimulating environment where children are cared for, nurtured and encouraged to learn and reach their full potential.
Year 1
In Year 1 we believe that children learn best when they feel safe and secure, in an environment where their ideas and opinions are valued.
Year 2
Year 2 is a warm and welcoming classroom where lots of exciting learning takes place. We believe that children learn best when they are having lots of fun!
Year 3
Year 3 is an exciting year as the children learn how to be more independent and practice skills to encourage independent learning such as researching on the internet.
Year 4
Year 4 is an exciting year as the children are preparing for Upper Juniors and the roles and responsibilities they will gain.
Year 5
Year 5 is an extremely exciting year. A chance for our children to develop their confidence, independence and cooperation through a wide range of activities.
Year 6
In Year 6 we are busy getting ourselves High School ready. We try to make all our learning fun and enjoyable and the children really thrive to reach their full potential.
Oscar Club
Out of School Care and Recreation provision allows families the opportunity to have their children's education and out of school care provided by the same place.