As a school we take the safety and well-being of all of our pupils very seriously.
We expect that anyone who comes to work in our school, either paid or voluntary, will share in this commitment and follow our Safeguarding policy.
Please note this policy also applies to any trades person who is undertaking work in our school.
The schools designated officer for child protection is Mrs Craven. Any concerns must be reported to her and in her absence to Mrs O'Brien or Mrs Houghton who are Deputy Safeguarding Leaders .
The schools Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Nicola Branch
Please read through the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy with your child.
Useful Links
Information can be found below at:
At any point anyone can report a concern they have about a child
Sexual Exploitation
If you are concerned about Child Sexual Exploitation age appropriate advise and resources can be accessed at:
Miss Collier is our Computing and E-Safety Leader. If you require any further information on this matter please ask at the school office.
As part of Anti-Bullying and e-Safety Week our children have designed posters which are visible around school. Well done to our winners!
Please also refer to our Parent Zone Online Safety page for more information including 'Sexting' support advice.
Useful Links