(01744) 678150


Excellence Everyday

Pastoral Care/Young Carers

Ashurst Primary School has a dedicated team responsible for Pastoral Care. We believe that nurturing the whole child enables our pupils to achieve to their full potential.

Pastoral Team

  • Mrs D. Craven - Pastoral Manager
  • Mrs Jill O'Brien - SENCO

Emotional Well-being

Every child is important and we want them to feel safe, happy and cared for.

If your child is unhappy at school and needs someone to listen, please encourage them to visit Mrs D. Craven in the pastoral room or use the Worry Boxes around school. In addition to this they can use the emotional registers to share their feelings.

If you have a worry about your child at school, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs O'Brien/Mrs D. Craven, either through the school office, telephoning 01744 678150 or via email at  ashurst@sthelens.org.uk


Young Carers at Ashurst

At Ashurst we are aware that some of our pupils are young carers. A young carer is someone under 18 who is caring unpaid for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems. They often take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult. Research suggests there are at least 700,000 young carers in the UK but many do not realise they are a young carer.

We know that young carers may need a little extra support to enjoy and do well at school. At Ashurst we are committed to ensuring that all pupils who are young carers are identified, and supported effectively.

Mrs D. Craven is the Young Carers' Champion at Ashurst and is responsible for ensuring all young carers are able to enjoy school and make good progress. If you think your child might be a young carer please let Mrs D. Craven or your child's class teacher know.

As a school we have signed up to the Young Carers Schools Promise and this is displayed on our young carers notice board in our main corridor for all children to see.  You can read this document below.


Useful links

Here are some links you may find useful:


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