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Excellence Everyday

Year 6 class

'Excellence Everyday'

'Learn, Live, Laugh and Love Ashurst'

Learn to be inspiring and make a difference to this world, we know how amazing you are,

Live with understanding and compassion for others, knowing we are all different and special in a community where equality stands tall,

Laugh and listen to the enjoyment of learning and excitement of everyone celebrating their achievements,

Love Ashurst, our special school and the hub of supportive staff, parents and children who aim high to be the best they can be.

We have lots of great opportunities planned for the year ahead and we are looking forward to sharing our adventures with you. Our website page will be home to a variety of helpful information, key dates and photographs of our fantastic learning journey. We can not wait to share it with you and show you all what we have been up to!

Meet our Stars of Year 6

Year 6 - Important Information

About the Year 6 class 

Class Teacher - Miss L. Hughes

Learning Assistant - Mrs W. Duffy

Higher Level Teaching Assistant - Mrs A. Bibby 

Learning Environment 

Year 6 is such an exciting year as the children are reaching the end of their primary school journey here with all of us at Ashurst. They start to take on more responsibility around the school as they are maturing, giving them more independence, which helps with getting them 'high school ready'. 

All individuals

Each child enters Year Six at a different stage. Therefore, we treat every child as an individual and plan to cater for their individual needs. We understand that every child learns in a different way and has different interests and it is our aim to adapt our teaching to suit the children. We encourage their independence throughout, allowing them to take ownership of their learning and achievements and to understand how to solve problems on their own.

What do we learn?

Year Six is the final year of Key Stage 2 before embarking on their journey to secondary school in the following September. This year will be focused on the end of key stage 2 National Curriculum assessments, otherwise known as the Standard Assessment Tests (SATs). We provide a broad and balanced curriculum which helps children prepare for their SATs at the end of Key Stage Two.  We aim to equip your child with the skills to be resilient learners and independent through the broad and balanced curriculum we deliver, which will include plenty of fun and valuable learning preparing them for the next stage of their educational journey.

Key Stage Two Tests this year will take place W.C. Monday 12th May 2025. A meeting will be held in the Spring term 2025 to provide you with more information.
Please ensure no holidays are booked for this week.

Rules and Routines

At the beginning of the year, children are encouraged to contribute to our class rules and vision. This runs alongside the schools  policies and procedures and is expected to further improve the learning environment for all and in turn develop strategies for 'Behaviour for Learning'. Conversations and discussions are encouraged in Year 6 and are balanced with dedication to learn and succeed through quiet and independent work.        


  • Doors open at 8:45am
  • Registration for year 6 takes place at 8:55am and the school day ends at 3:15pm. 
  • Break time will be at 10:30am.
  • Lunch time will be at 12:30pm until 1:30pm


There is a big emphasis placed on homework and extending learning beyond the classroom, especially in Year 6. Maths and English homework is set on a Friday and is expected to be completed by the following Friday; please ensure that this is given in on time - if not, the children will be expected to spend their break and lunch time completing this. This is a vital aspect of Year 6 as this will become common practice when the children move up to High School. Children are also expected to have rapid recall of all their times tables, in order to help them with their maths. 

Please note, homework is an extension of the children's learning within the classroom to help consolidate concepts: no 'new' or unseen concepts are given as homework, the children have always been exposed to this within class.

We will provide the following:

- Spellings and Maths homework, on a sheet
- Spag.com online task
- Maths.co.uk task or LBQ Maths task online
- Reading Plus: to be accessed 3 times a week
- TT rockstars: to be accessed frequently to aid rapid recall


PE in Year 6 will take place on a Monday and a Friday.

On our PE day, please come into school in your correct outdoor kits with your trainers.
Children must wear the following PE uniform: plain/ school logo black jogging bottoms, black sports leggings, or red shorts  (Summer Kit), plain/ school logo white PE top , plain/ school logo black hoodie.

School Trips

Year 6 will visit the Liverpool War Museum in the Autumn Term as part of their History Topic. Finally, in the Summer Term, Year 6 will complete their residential at Manor Adventure, Willersley Castle. We will provide further details and information, and invite you to a meeting about the residential during the Spring term 2025.

Things to remember

  • Please provide a healthy snack for your child to eat at playtime.
  • Each child can have their own water bottle on their desk: please provide these with their name on.
  • We will begin to send home reading books as soon as we have read with your child and assessed their book band.  
    Your child will select a new home reading book from the school library when they need to change it.  We encourage the children to read at home every night. This is part of the homework expectations and we appreciate your support with this. Your child has their own personal reading record for you to record their reading journey. We expect these to be completed every time your child reads their school book. 
  • Topic webs will be uploaded onto this class page in the first week of each half term which will inform you of the learning taking place this half term; you may wish to discuss key learning with your child at home. 
  • Children are asked not to bring any other personal items into school; we will provide all necessary stationery.

Book recommendations for Year 6

Follow the link below to view a wealth of recommended books for your child in Year 6.  You will never be short of a book suggestion with this site.  Children, we hope you find something that you love.  



If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child's learning then please don't hesitate to call and make an appointment to see us.
Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to working alongside your families
Miss Hughes

Year 6 Long Term Plan 2024-2025

Year 6 Topic Webs 

 autumn-2-topic-web-year-6-2024-2025 (1).pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3
 Y6 Spring 2 Topic Web.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

SATS Information 2024-2025

Please see the PDF below for all of the SATS Information. If you have any questions please contact myself and I will get back to you. Thank you, Miss Hughes.

The schedule for the KS2 SATS will be as follows:

Monday 12th May 2025 – English, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) Paper 1 and 2

Tuesday 13th May 2025 – English Reading Paper

Wednesday 14th May 2025 – Mathematics Paper 1 (Arithmetic) and 2 (Reasoning)

Thursday 15th May 2025 – Mathematics Paper 3 (Reasoning)

Learning 2024-2025

Autumn Term


Year 6 have explored South America and the Amazon Rainforest. We have enjoyed looking at the different countries, biomes and environmental regions. 


This half-term we have explored Music and Technology.

First Aid Training

We were so lucky to have the opportunity to receive first aid training delivered by Albany. We know what to do in an emergency, how to give CPR and how to deal with bad cuts/ wounds.

Class Assembly

We shared all of our learning this Autumn Term with our family and friends.


In Art we have looked at the artist Eduardo Kobra and collaboratively made our final piece: an A1 spray painted canvas.

War Museum Trip


Christmas 2024

Chinese New Year


National Story Telling Week