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Achievement and Performance Data

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Achievement and Performance Data 

Results and Key Assessment Explained

At the end of Key Stage  2 children take national tests (SATs).

At Key Stage 2, the attainment and progress of pupils is also measured. Progress is a measure of improvement, progress is measured in terms of a scaled + or – score with zero as a statistical ‘median’- so, in really general terms, a school’s +  scoring may indicate positive progress whilst a negative score may indicate limited progress in certain groups.

KS 1 SATs are no longer statutory however can be used to support teacher assessment.

Phonics Screening Check - Year 1 children complete this check to assess early reading.  Children who do not pass at the end of Year 1 will complete a re-check in Year 2 following further support to develop and secure early reading skills.

GLD - Good Level of Development is used to assess children at the end of their Reception year.  Children in Reception complete RBA (Reception Baseline Assessments) within the first few weeks as they start in Reception.

Government ‘Floor- Targets’

Each year the Government issue ‘floor-targets’ for schools. This helps to identify schools that may need some support in a particular area. The floor target for KS 2  is either by:

  • Having a combined attainment score (in reading, writing and maths) of 59% (2023 data)+ Or:
  • Having progress scores that lie within ‘thresholds’ issued nationally.

We are above the national floor standard set by the DFE in terms of children achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths.