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Excellence Everyday

Year 4 class 

'Excellence Everyday'

'Learn, Live, Laugh and Love Ashurst'

Learn to be inspiring and make a difference to this world, we know how amazing you are,

Live with understanding and compassion for others, knowing we are all different and special in a community where equality stands tall,

Laugh and listen to the enjoyment of learning and excitement of everyone celebrating their achievements,

Love Ashurst, our special school and the hub of supportive staff, parents and children who aim high to be the best they can be.

Year 4 - Important Information

About the Year 4 class 


Class Teacher - Mrs K. Crampton

Learning Assistant - Mrs N. Wood

Learning Environment

Year 4 is a safe, caring learning environment where where children’s individual talents and achievements are recognised and built upon. We aim for all lessons to be interactive, exciting and engaging. Throughout Year 4, children are always encouraged to strive for excellence both independently and as part of a team. With support from teachers and family at home, the children work hard on their goals. Mental health and well-being are high priority in Year 4.  We work hard to support the children to be happy and free from worry and anxieties.  We promote positive self-talk and resilience and guide children through any difficulties they face. 


All individuals

Each child enters Year Four at a different stage. Therefore, we treat every child as an individual and plan to cater for their individual needs. We understand that every child learns in a different way and has different interests and it is our aim to adapt our teaching to suit the children. We encourage their independence throughout, allowing them to take ownership of their learning and achievements and to understand how to solve problems on their own.


Rules and Routines

 At the beginning of the year, children are encouraged to contribute to our class rules and vision. This runs alongside the schools  policies and procedures and is expected to further improve the learning environment for all and in turn develop strategies for 'Behaviour for Learning'. Conversation and discussion are encouraged in Year 4 and is balanced with dedication to learn and succeed through quiet and independent work.        


  • Doors open 8:45am
  • Registration for year 4 takes place at 8:55 am and the school day ends at 3:15pm 

Important things to remember: -

  • You may wish to provide a healthy snack for your child to eat at playtime.
  • Each child can have their own water bottle on their desk, please provide these with their name on.
  • We have P.E. every Tuesday and Thursday– please ensure that your child attends school on these days in their PE kit. Please see the school uniform website page for details of P.E. kit.  https://ashurstps.sites.schooljotter2.com/parent-zone/school-uniform
  • Homework is set on Fridays and should be completed by the following Friday– please ensure that you complete online tasks on time. 
  • Spellings and multiplication tables are included in homework every Friday and both are tested the following Friday - please ensure that your child learns these at home.  We recommend little and often and a multi-sensory approach can help children to learn.
  • Topic webs will be uploaded onto this class page in the first week of each half term. Topic webs will inform you of the learning taking place.
  • Reading books are changed on Fridays. - Please ensure your child brings their reading book on Friday, if they want to change it.


What do we learn?

We have daily maths and English/SPAG lessons.  Our mastery approach in maths develops mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving. We work hard to rapidly recall multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12. We produce some accomplished writing linked to our text.  We have reading lessons to help us work on year group reading objectives, including finding evidence to support our answers.  We have daily opportunities to read across the curriculum. In addition, we read frequently at home and complete our reading records, which are commented on by staff. We learn to read then read to learn!

We have a broad curriculum with lots of exciting lessons on a range of topics including: The Ancient Greeks, Rivers, Electricity, Coding, Textiles, Roman Printing, and Lean On Me.  We aim to grow scientists, historians, geographers, artists, linguists, musicians and much more!  We make links with different subjects across the curriculum and aim to apply our maths and English skills in different contexts. Click on the Long Term Plan for more information.


Multiplication Check

The Multiplication Times Tables Check is an online test where the pupils are asked 25 questions on times tables 2 to 12. For every question, you have 6 seconds to answer, and in between the questions, there is a 3-second rest. Questions about the 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 times table come up more often. The questions are generated randomly based on the rules of the MTC.


A good way to prepare is to start early and build a daily routine practising the times tables. With regular practise you will learn all the questions and gain confidence. We suggest practising 10 to 15 minutes a day for optimal results.

Please read the information below which provides more information.

Year 4 Long Term Plan 2024-2025

Year 4 Topic Webs


 Autumn 1 Topic Web.pdfDownload
 Autumn 2 Topic Web.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 Topic Web.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Book recommendations for Year 4

Follow the link below to view a wealth of recommended books for your child in Year 4. 

You will never be short of book suggestions with this site. Children we hope you find something you love.

'The Reader Teacher' - Visit this site to view 100 'must reads' for YEAR 4  https://www.thereaderteacher.com/year4 

Learning 2024-2025

Autumn Term

Reading Plus- Reading is at the heart of the curriculum at Ashurst and the children are exposed to a range of literary within our library and Reading Plus. The children read texts in Reading Plus and then have an opportunity to answer comprehension questions. 

Sankey Valley- The children went on a fieldtrip to Sankey Valley to go minibeast hunting for our 'Living things and their habitats' topic. They really enjoyed finding all the different minibeasts such as snails, slugs, worms. They used spotter sheets to record their data. 

Reading- The children prepared a poem 'Mr Mistoffelees', ensuring they used intonation and expression. The children were amazing!

Preparing a poem with intonation and expression

P.E- IN P.E, the children have been learning the skills of basketball. They have learnt how to chest pass and dribble. They then use their skills when working as a team in basketball. 

Times Tables- Times tables are extremely important for children throughout their education especially in year 4. To prepare for our Multiplication times table check, we continually practise our times tables daily in a variety of ways. 

Mental Health Day- For mental health day, the children wore yellow to raise awareness. They also completed activities throughout the day whereby they were recognising what makes them happy. 

Geography- The children had explored the human and physical features of Brazil. They then highlighted all these features in a model made out of plastercine, labelling it as they went along. 

Anti Bullying Week - The children have come into school today in odd socks to raise awareness for anti-bullying week. We have all shown we are unique in some way by showcasing our different socks. We also took part in a live lesson listening about how it is important to respect each others differences and be kind in the world.