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Excellence Everyday

Science at Ashurst

Ashurst Community Primary is committed to providing a rich and varied curriculum for all pupils and believes that Science is a very important cog in that wheel. As a school, we decided to look at our Science provision and found that by applying for the Primary Science Quality Mark it would support us to achieve outstanding teaching and learning opportunities for all our pupils.


Science Leader - Miss Hunter & Miss Twist

We are delighted to have achieved PSQM Outreach. We are immensely proud of our pupils, dedicated staff and support from parents. Our shared vision for the teaching and learning of science enables us to effectively support children's progress and develop their understanding and skills. 


Read some of the feedback that Miss Hunter received from our PSQM reviewer:

  • The richness to the learning opportunities that the children at Ashurst are offered and the school is to be commended.
  • Teaching and learning is a strength. Staff use a wide range of approaches which will by default engage staff in reflection.
  • Children’s experiences are certainly enriched, and the school is to be congratulated that at a time of disruption children have been offered such a wide range of interesting and exciting opportunities. All are purposeful – which is important – rather than activity for the sake of it.
  • Subject Leader and staff are to be congratulated in the way in which scientific enquiry is further developed beyond the classroom through a range of activities, at home, through Crest Awards, various competitions and engaging in national events such as the great science share.
  • A great strength of this submission is how children link their science to the wider world. Family learning is well planned with exciting yet manageable activities that children and their family members can enjoy.
  • Congratulations to yourself, staff, children, also parents in offering children experiences that go beyond the requirements of the statutory curriculum. Outreach is challenging at the best of times, but this year with the added difficulties of COVID to manage to provide a robust, carefully monitored and assessed curriculum in itself is a great achievement. Even more impressive is how collectively the school has gone above and beyond to offer a rich variety of experiences that extend science beyond the classroom. 

CREST Superstar Awards

Our brilliant scientists in Keystage 2 earned CREST Superstar awards by carrying out a series of problem-solving in STEM challenges. Children had the opportunity to learn through hands-on challenges by exploring the world around them. Congratulations!

Great Science Share For Schools

Children across school excelled in finding the answers to their own scientific questions in the Great Science Share for Schools. Pupils practised skills of measuring, observing, recording and presenting results and interpreting data. Class teachers were completely delighted with their understanding and progression in skills. 

The Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild

Pupils have enjoyed taking part in 30 Days Wild, The Wildlife Trusts' annual nature challenge, where they ask the nation to do one 'wild' thing a day every day throughout June. Classes have completed random acts of wildness such as reading non-fiction science books outside and making artwork from natural objects.

British Science Week

 During British Science week pupils had the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills through the theme of 'Innovating for the future'. Pupils took part in a variety of activities such as visualising a classroom of the future, designing a robo-bug and researching a STEM person. Ashurst supported the smashing stereotypes campaign and pupils learned about the diverse and inspiring teams and individuals in STEM. We are immensely proud that we are inspiring STEM individuals of the future.

Virtual Workshops and Visitors

Our science curriculum has been enriched by workshops and visitors this year. All cohorts have been inspired by experts and developed in their knowledge and science skills. 

Space Week Art Competition

 We were bowled over by the response to our competition. All of the entries showed wonderful creativity and we are incredibly proud of each and every one of the children who took part!  Take a look at some of the entries. They are out of this world!


Nursery started the week finding out what children knew about space. They shared the story goodnight spaceman all about the astronaut dad, we even heard this story from a real life astronaut Tim Peake. He read the story from the space station, that's when they all decided we wanted to be astronauts too. They made our own rocket outside so they could go on trips to the moon. During P.E they joined in the misson X program and  trained like astronauts keeping our body and minds fit and healthy. Their favourite activity of the week was taking our rocket pencils for a ride making lots of patterns and shapes with the pencil.

In Geography Year 4 used photographs of Earth from space to explore a different view of settlements and natural and physical features.

Home Learning - The Digestive System

 Isabella has worked hard to learn more about the organs in the digestive system and their functions. Well done Isabella, this is amazing!

Crest Awards

 Well done to all of our brilliant Year 6 pupils who earned a Super Star CREST award. We are so proud of your wonderful achievements! 

The Big Science Event At Home

Pupils from Year 1 lead their own enquiry after deciding to find out the answer to their question If we have longer legs, do we have bigger feet? They practised measuring and recording data skills and made conclusions about their findings. They are super scientists!

The Linnean Society of London - Portrait Competition

Children learned all about Carl Linnaeus and his work identifying, naming and classifying organisms.  Carl Linnaeus was given a raccoon by the Crown Prince of Sweden. He called his new friend 'Sjupp' - pronounced 'shoop'. Children were challenged to draw a portrait of Sjupp. We had lots of fantastic entries and all children who participated received a special certificate from The Linnean Society of London.

Nursery - Knowledge and Understanding of the World

 Our Nursery children have enjoyed exploring plants, animals and materials in various engaging activities. It has been wonderful to see their engagement and help them ask questions about why things happen and how things work.

Year 3 - Healthy Living Team

The Healthy Living Team taught us about the “healthy plate” and that it’s important that what we eat overall should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet.

 We learnt that it is very important to brush our teeth:

  • twice a day (morning and night).
  • use a pea size amount of toothpaste.
  • brush for 2 minutes.
  • use small, circular motions.
  • make sure that you brush your tongue.
  • don’t rinse with water, just spit out the toothpaste. 

We had a set of teeth that we made dirty (by colouring them in), by brushing them correctly, we found that we could remove all of the pretend dirt.

Year 4 Plants and Animals at Norton Priory Museum and Gardens

Year 4 pupils enjoyed learning how living things can be grouped in different ways. The interactive exhibition and beautiful gardens at Norton Priory Museum provided a great place to explore this topic.

Year 4 Plants and Animals in the local Environment

 Year 4 enhanced their understanding of plants and animals in the local environment by heading into the school grounds for some outdoor learning. They identified different species of plants and animals and began to group and classify them.

Year 5 Reversible and Irreversible Changes

 Year 5 were extremely excited to share their Reversible and Irreversible changes learning with Miss Hunter. The children explained their understanding of dissolving and separating and shared their observations and conclusions from practical investigations. Well done Year 5!

Chester Zoo Rangers

Pupils from Nursery to Year 6 participated in a range workshops delivered by Chester Zoo Rangers. Children loved discovering more about animals and the environment in these interactive sessions. 

British Science Week

Children from all year groups enjoyed celebrating British Science Week by taking part in investigations and enhancing their Working Scientifically Skills. The week culminated in a Science Exhibition where each class took turns to lead learning and teach the rest of the school. Visitors from other schools in St Helens and our wider community attended the Science exhibition and gave us some fantastic feedback on how knowledgeable and confident Ashurst pupils are at explaining science learning. Well done to all those involved!

Science Show

Pupils were thoroughly engaged in their learning of Chemistry during our Solids Liquids and Gases show delivered by Seb and Liam from The University of Manchester. Seb and Liam were impressed with the insightful questions posed by their enthusiastic audience and commented on how so many boys and girls were interested in finding out how to become scientists in the future. 

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