Recommended books
On this page you will find lots of recommended books across all age ranges and genres. You will also find out how children at Ashurst recommend books to each other.
'Not just readers, but reviewers!'
'Post it note reviews'
Children at Ashurst regularly review and recommend books to each other. We do this through 'Post it note reviews'. Children read a book and leave a review on a post it note on the front cover for the next child. This is a great way for children to connect about the books they love. Children give the book a score out of 10, and leave a comment which may include: a synopsis of the book, descriptions of favourite parts of the book, and who might like it. It is wonderful to see children spreading a love of reading at Ashurst.
'Follow the books to the Library'
We love to hear children talking about books as they go through school. Pictures of books are displayed on the wall of our corridors to stimulate discussion. The books lead the way to the Library. Children look out for their favourite authors, talk about what they have read and keep a look out for any books they want to read next. This is a lovely way to keep 'book talk' alive at Ashurst.
Staff Recommendations
Staff at Ashurst have compiled their 'Top 3' favourite children's books. It wasn't easy to pick but take a look at some of the books which got into our 'Top 3'. You may spot something you want to read. We place these recommendations around school to encourage 'Book Talk'.
Our Governors have 'Top 3' children's reads too! Take a look...
Book recommendations for each year group
'The Reader Teacher' - Visit this site to view 100 'must reads' for NURSERY
'The Reader Teacher' - Visit this site to view 100 'must reads' for RECEPTION
'The Reader Teacher' - Visit this site to view 100 'must reads' for YEAR 1
'The Reader Teacher' - Visit this site to view 100 'must reads' for YEAR 2
'The Reader Teacher' - Visit this site to view 100 'must reads' for YEAR 3
'The Reader Teacher' - Visit this site to view 100 'must reads' for YEAR 4
'The Reader Teacher' - Visit this site to view 100 'must reads' for YEAR 5
'The Reader Teacher' - Visit this site to view 100 'must reads' for YEAR 6
'Book Match'
Found a genre or an author you love and want more? Then follow the link below to view #Bookmatch by 'The Reader Teacher' where you will find a wealth of book suggestions.
For example, if you like Roald Dahl or David Walliams or Adam Blade (author of Beast Quest) you will find similar suggestions here:
There are so many suggestions so you will never be stuck for which book to buy next. We display 'Book Match' posters around school to help children select their next book.
Whole school texts to support well-being
Each term, we use a book throughout the whole school to teach the children about emotional well-being and mental health. We recommend using books like these to help children explore their feelings. Access the links below to view our top recommended books for dealing with emotions.
Autumn 1 - Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival
Autumn 2 - The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas
Spring 1 - The heart and the bottle by Oliver Jeffers
Spring 2 - When Sadness comes to call by Eva Eland
Summer 1 - The Tear Thief by Carol Ann Duffy
Summer 2 - The Invisible String by Patrice Karst
Book recommendations from The Book Trust
Follow the links to view even more book recommendations:
Best books for 0-5year olds -
Best books for 6-8 year olds -
Best books for 9-11 year olds -
Best books for 12-14 year olds -
Newly Released Books
Every month The Book Trust reviews newly released books. Will something catch your eye? Is there a book you'd love to add to your collection? Follow this link to find out more -
Dyslexia friendly books 7-9 years
Dyslexia friendly books 9-12 years
Books to support LGBT+
Recommended books to support Refugee Week
Some of our favourites linked to Refugee Week ...
Recommended books to support mental health and well-being and stories featuring BAME characters
Picture books with the main protagonist from a minority ethnic background