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Excellence Everyday

The North West Learning Partnership

Ashurst Primary School is proud to be a a member of The North West Learning Partnership.  This enables us to continuously self-improve and ensure access to quality CPD for all staff sustaining high standards and quality first teaching and learning at Ashurst.  In addition to this, we work alongside the 'The North West Learning Partnership'  in offering training and support for trainee teachers. Miss Fildes is our trained mentor who provides support for ITT students at Ashurst.

Maths Hub- NCETM

Ashurst Primary School has a Maths Mastery Specialist who supports other schools with the Maths Mastery approach.  In doing so she provides training for colleagues and individual support for schools to ensure high quality maths teaching based on the Maths Mastery principles.

Within this role Miss Fildes completes up to date training with NCETM and uses this to ensure the quality teaching of Maths at Ashurst and beyond.



First Learning Network Partnership

Ashurst Primary School is a member of St Helen's First Learning Network, this includes a cluster of schools that work collaboratively to ensure quality education for all the schools within the network.  Joint Inset days and training along with subject leader focus groups and moderation ensure highly effective collaboration and sharing of expertise impacting on standards throughout. 

Mrs Crampton is the leader for Humanities across the network driving school improvement in this area and supporting colleagues in the development of History and Geography in their own schools.

ECM - Curriculum Development and Effective Subject Leadership 

At Ashurst Primary we have a learning culture in which we all thrive and flourish to ensure the best outcomes.  This is supported through high quality CPD and working with our ECM consultant termly to drive school improvement.  As a result, we have subject leaders who are confident in leading their subject area and support others in ensuring a high quality curriculum offer.

Subject Leaders review their curriculum and monitor the quality of education in line with their curriculum documents, as well as providing coaching and leading staff learning sessions.

Edge Hill Partnership

Ashurst Primary School works with Edge Hill to support trainee teachers in their journey to be becoming a successful teacher.  Miss Fildes has completed training as mentor to deliver quality mentor support for all trainees.